Things you should know before exploring the Quiet Revolution...

What does it mean to nationalize something? "Nationalization is the process of taking privately-controlled companies, industries, or assets and putting them under the control of the government."

What was Quebec's society like before the reforms of the Quiet Revolution?

Before the Quiet Revolution, Quebec's government was heavily controlled by England. There was a lack of Francophone pride, and Catholic conservative beliefs strongly influenced the society in contradistinction to Anglophone protestantism The Quiet Revolution sparked French Quebec pride and it allowed Quebec to take control of its own government. Nonetheless, separation of Church and state allowed Quebec to pursue a liberal and secular society rather than one battered by religious strife.


June 22, 1960, the liberal party under Jean Lesage won the election and the Union Nationale party no longer wielded complete control. The Quebec Liberal Party had plans for major reform to try to transform and "redefine the role of francophone society in Canada."


The democratization of education started in 1964 with the creation of the Ministry of Education. The education system started to become more secularized and not as reliant on the Catholic Church. The Liberal Government created a plan to make education more accessible and modern. At the time, not many children were going to school, and traditional, conservative teaching was widespread. The old education system no longer served Quebec's evolving society's needs.


The Canada Act of 1982, is an instrumental document for Canada gaining full independence because it allowed Canada to amend it's Constitution without Britain's approval. Of equal importance, the act also manifested the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is the most recognizable part of Canada's Constitution. It outlines the rights of Canada's individuals, and the Charter ultimately is deemed, "the highest law of the land".Before this act, Britain kept autonomy over Canada's Constitution until Canada figured out what their legislation would be like, which branch of government should have a say in changing it, and how changing it would affect the various provinces.


HydroQuebec logo explained

The Quiet Revolution

Results of the Quiet Revolution

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The Canadian Act of 1982

